“Following” is serious business in the social media business—a force multiplier. It increases visibility; creates influencers and invites opportunity. When you mark on an online account “follow”, you are saying a great deal about yourself. It comes with ramifications that you may not fully comprehend, that who they are, you are; that where they’re going, you’ll likely end up; that what they believe, you profess, overtly or covertly.
When it comes to the business of the soul, the dynamics of “following” have always been a force to be reckoned with, as seen in the first followers—opadós in Greek—of a carpenter with claims to the keys of an eternal kingdom and a pathway to everlasting life. We can learn a great deal from Christ’s first followers—good and not so positive. They may give you pause to ask yourself the next time you mark “follow” stroke of a computer key: Am I really one of them—the quick, the confused, the self-serving, or the true “must-haves”.
First, quick followship is no indication of the comprehension of the long-term consequences of your choice. The first of the twelve apostles—those called by Christ had quick feet that were slow to consider the whole race in following the Son of God. We see this in verses 16-20. It is most clearly seen in verse 17 and 18:
And Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you become fishers of men and they immediately left the nets and followed Him.
Twice, the text uses immediately (euthus in the Greek) to portray the urgency of the first followers’ response—James and John, the Zebedee brothers. They were willing to give up their family trade as fishermen to become fishers of men. Little did they know that their quick decision to follow Christ, would lead to a fate in concert with His—to serve, suffer and die. Three times Christ said to them over the course of three years that this was to be His fate. Jesus warned the followers that they also would be persecuted for their allegiance to the Son of God (Matt. 10:24). But as quick as these disciples lined up to follow Jesus, they ran and disappeared into the night when Christ was arrested.
Before you check any “follow” tab, remember that where they’re going, you’ll likely end up. Don’t be too quick to count the long-end cost—the expectation of escalation.
Second, confused followship can lead to the opposite direction you desired to go. We see this in verses Mark 1:21-28, specifically in 23-25 when Jesus was confronted by a mixed-message follower.
23Just then there was a man in their synagogue with an unclean spirit; and he cried out, 24saying…” I know who You are-- the Holy One of God!" 25And Jesus rebuked him…
This inconsistent, demon possessed follower had the right confession, but the wrong origination—the pit of hell. Words are not enough to be a follower. Words must match action. If you say you love (follow) God, but hate your brother, you are a liar (1John 4:20). Before you check any “follow” button, be sure your love for the follower doesn’t lead you to a hateful place.
Third, self-serving followship can disguise its real motive—greed. Jesus’ early followers included sneaky feet followers. They had another agenda—themselves. Many were only concerned about His healing miracles but not the Messiah’s agenda. We see this in verses 36 and 37.
37they found Him, and said to Him, "Everyone is looking for You." 38He said to them, "Let us go somewhere else to the towns nearby, so that I may preach there also; for that is what I came for."
Not all followers follow Christ’s agenda. Their only focus is what’s in it for them. Christianity is not a sales promotion. It is a ministry. Before you check any “follow” tab, follow the money. If it leads to lined pockets, it belongs to thieves with hidden agendas.
Finally, there is “must-haves”, true followship that represents two essential requirements —repentance and forgiveness—that result in a change in direction. Saving the best for last, Mark takes us to the beginning of his gospel with the introduction of John the Baptist who preached and practiced both.
John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Mark 1:4
John preached that if you’re going to follow Jesus, you must have repentance—the willingness to turn from sin and a turn to God. Second, you must have forgiveness—the desire to release others of the deeds against you as you desire for God to do the same of you.
John was so committed to these “must-haves” of his followship, it led to his beheading. Before you hit any “follow” button, ask yourself, where am I willing to go.
When the follower Peter in disguise was warming his hands at the fire of Jesus’ persecutors, he was recognized by a little girl, “Aren’t you one of them?” Are you? He denied Him. Have you?

Every “follow” tab you engage can be filtered through the experiences of the first followers Jesus encountered in Mark 1. Before you press that key remember:
Who they are, you are;
where they’re going, you’ll likely end up;
what they believe, you
Thank you for these messages. They are very thought provoking!
God Bless You!