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A New Year’s Warning: Do not ignore The Warning label

Every day, we are surrounded by warnings. Every product comes with warning labels. Too bad common sense is not included in the crafting of them. Just read some real warning labels:


  • On a curling iron: “For external use only”.

  • On a package for an iron: “Don’t iron clothes on body.”

  • On Christmas lights: “For indoor or outdoor use only.”

  • On Nytol sleep aid: “Warning—may cause drowsiness.”

  • On Peanut Snack: “Warning—contains nuts.”

  • In manual for microwave oven: “Do not use for drying pets”.

  • On a child’s cough medicine bottle: “Do not use while driving or operating heavy equipment.”

  • On a portable stroller: “Caution—remove infant before folding for storage.


Is there any wonder why we don’t take warnings seriously?  We should, especially when the warnings come from God. In Hebrews 12, the writer warns us this: Do not refuse God.  Why?  God is a powerful friend but also a dangerous enemy. We will see in Hebrews 12:25-29, in the comparison of two mountains, how to respond to the warnings of God. If you want to have a great new year, don’t ignore God’s warning: This might be year He shakes things up. Be grateful, not just fearful.


Here are the warnings about God’s warnings as you advance into this new year:


Do not shrink away in fear from the speaking God, as their Hebrew ancestors once did. When God spoke to Israel from the fire and shaking of Mt. Sinai, the people refused to obey and were destroyed.


25For if they did not escape when they refused the one who warned them on earth, how much more in our case if we turn away from the one who warns from heaven.  26 His voice shook the earth at that time, but now he has promised, "I will once more shake not only earth but heaven."


Unfortunately, warnings often fail to change people's behavior resulting in dire consequences.  Three thousand Israelites were killed at the command of Moses for not heeding God’s warning in Exodus 32:28. 


There is a history of the consequences of unheeded warning. Thousands of Pompeiians were buried in volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius on August 24, AD 79. They ignored the two other towns that were destroyed by Mount Vesuvius and the groaning sounds from the earth and sea, the animals and vermin leaving the town in droves and the dried-up water wells.


Recently, more than a year before Hamas killed 1,200 residents of Israel and kidnapped more than 200, Israeli intelligence officers reportedly learned about plans for the attack in extraordinary detail but couldn’t convince their leaders to take preventative action.


Reflect on when you did not listen to God and paid the price. Use his waring system—the Holy Spirit—and “try the spirit by the spirit” (1 John 4:1-5). If it doesn’t feel right, warning, it’s not right.


Secondly, take seriously, that God promises to return and judge creation, leaving a better, unshakeable kingdom.  God promises to shake heaven and earth, reducing His Kingdom to that which it eternal.


27 That phrase, "once more," points to (the) removal of shaken, created things, so that what is unshaken may remain.  


What are you holding on to that is worthless—inordinate wealth, consuming fame, and prideful titles—compared to an unshakable, spiritual, eternal kingdom of God? What do you want to be shaken away this year: loneliness, selfishness, and lack of purpose? Let Him shake things up this year.


Finally, God is a powerful friend who has for those who have faith, an unshakeable kingdom that will last. Be grateful. (8-14) Live faithfully with gratitude seeing we have an unshakeable, eternal kingdom promised to us on Mount Zion (heaven).


28 Therefore, we who are receiving the unshakable kingdom should have gratitude, with which we should offer worship pleasing to God in reverence and awe.  29 For our God is a consuming fire.


Where can you be more faithful to a God who will return as an avenging, fierce judge for those who deny him, and from  those who accept him, a friend offering an unshakable kingdom for those  who read the warning labels…and obey.

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